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Mindfulness: A Way to Live Well

Mindfulness is a practice I engaged in unknowingly when I was younger through Indian Arts but when life events led me to learning it formally, I discovered a way of living that was highly empowering.


It is a form of meditation where we practice bringing our attention to the present moment in a way that is deliberate and non-judgemental. It can be practised while sitting or when we’re on the go.


Mindfulness is a form of strength training for the brain. Where we find ourselves worrying about unfinished work, something that was said, overwhelming tasks or how we fit in, we use this practice to enhance our awareness of the present moment.


Some of the initial benefits of this practice are enhanced concentration, sensory clarity, and non-judgemental appreciation.


A quick exercise for you try at home

Here’s a simple example you can try in the comfort of your own home. It only takes a couple of minutes. Make yourself a cup of tea and notice the following:


• As you wait for your tea to cool down, notice the artwork on your mug. What colours do you see on it? Notice the little details. Perhaps the insides have a different colour.


• If it’s not too hot to hold the mug in your palms, what does the temperature feel like? Does the temperature feel different on each finger?


• Take a nice whiff of your drink. How strong is the scent? How do you feel when the steam touches your forehead and nose?


• When you’re ready to sip, observe how you are naturally careful with the first sip.



• Slow down the process if you can, feel the liquid passing through lips, tongue, throat. Observe if your body naturally relaxes when it passes through any specific area.


• Enjoy your tea and when you’ve finished, notice how engaged you felt with your present moment. 


Through this practice, we actively step out of our autopilot and access a part of our brain that is more engaged, creative and able to solve problems. This is a part of our brain that is better aligned with our values.


Practiced strategically, it can also be a catalyst towards much deeper transformation. We gain stability and greater self-insight. We find ourselves aligning more convincingly with what’s important to us. We strive less, trust ourselves, and navigate life fully embodying who we are, all colours included.


Mindfulness, coupled with mind-body education, can be effectively used for anxiety and stress. This is something I offer at Radiant Roots and you’re welcome to get in touch. Wellbeing is genuinely a global necessity. Join me and let’s prioritise yourwellbeing.


Sign up for our FREE guide: 30 Practical Suggestions for Stress & Anxiety and book a FREE consultation.


Twitter & Instagram: @Radiant.Roots.Wellbeing

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